Tibet - The Lost Treaty
By Ajay Singh Yadav

Chapter 8

Major PP Singh and the Brigadier walked back to the army HQ building, deep in talk. The Brigadier told him all about the lost treaty and the American girl who was to enter Tibet, find the secret chamber in the Potala, and secure the treaty.

"Well! that, in a nutshell is the whole idea. What do you think of it PP?"

''Offhand I would say, it isn't as far fetched as it sounds."

"Provided of course the girl can pull it off."

"Of course, and that seems to me the big if, in the whole operation. I mean, why couldn't they have chosen a man?"

"Ah, always playing the patriarchal Rajput grandee, aren't you PP? But aren't you jumping the gun a bit? I mean you haven't yet met the lady in question after all."

"But I expect to have the pleasure soon enough," PP said without enthusiasm. He was known to be a confirmed bachelor and something of a misogynist.

"This lady is reputed to be an expert in marital arts, and speaks fluent Chinese and Tibetan. She is quite a looker too by all accounts."


"How are you going to get them into Tibet PP?"

"I am going to fly them out."

"Fly them out, but that's impossible, what with the Chinese radar and ground surveillance, and all the rest of it."

"The way I will fly them out, no radar will be able to detect them, and they will go clean over the ground defences without anyone being the wiser for it."

"How on earth are you going to do that. you are not going to tie them to some big bird, Sindbad style, are you?"

"As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I am going to do sir! I am going to use hang-gliders to send them across."

"Hang-gliders, by Jove!"

"A hang-glider has a fibreglass and nylon body that can't be picked up on any radar screen. It can fly great distances, if the air currents are favourable. It can be folded up and packed comfortably into a backpack on landing, so as to leave no trace behind. It seems to be the ideal vehicle, to my mind, for sneaking these two into Tibet."

"There is only one drawback in your scheme PP. To any one watching from the ground, a hang-glider would be a sitting duck. They can take pot-shots at the thing and bring them down at will."

"Not from where I will launch them, there isn't a Chinese soldier in sight anywhere there, or for that matter any other human being either. Besides, we could think of a night launch."

Well, you seem to have thought of everything. Good luck then and keep this close to your chest. Not a word of it to any one except on a need to know basis. Remember the spy networks of the world may be hot on your heels."

"My lips are sealed."

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